About congress


Final product of human’s continuous effort for improving living conditions during his several thousand years life is city. The city beyond its body represents spirit and meaning which indicates goals of its makers. It is a meaning higher than environmental obligations and it is crystallization of endless existence of human desire and his struggle for visualization of virtual values. Such a city has an originality that identifies it and free from environment concerns, it becomes a ground for human excellence. The city aligns with requirements of its dwellings upon the backing of implied meaning in its organization. Living of any city depends on its prosperity in responding to these requirements. In this regard, the city without meaning is a city without soul which makes the citizens failed in reaching different dimensions of personal and social life. The main problems of today’s human are the failed which causes wandering and identity crisis.

Today’s human which is heritage of previous civilizations should benefits their achievement and consider its material & spiritual requirements and using new technologies and futuristic approach in constructing cities, think beyond designing building and transportation network and think on creating spaces which guarantees their achieving to perfect human.

Within comprehensive crisis of this era, it is necessary to take a look in architecture, civil and urban design and find available crises in it and having used the previous experiences and benefiting current experiences with futuristic look, create out heavenly land which is our ideal city. Our ideal city is Iran Islamic city, a city remained from glorious civilization in which soul of Islamic supreme teachings is flowing, the ground in which perfect human is born, grown and return to his origin.


4th.International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution will be design and held for benefiting scientific supports of researchers and scientists considering the importance of subject in promoting the quality and solving problems of areas related to city- civil, architecture and urban design focusing on futuristic approach. It is hoped that this conference is a scientific and effective step in realizing above goals and ground for promoting knowledge of areas related to defined area and resulted scientific results can be effective in progressing cultural and scientific plans of country.


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